Pupil Premium Statement
Keir Hardie Primary School receives a Pupil Premium Grant for each child who is entitled to receive Free School Meals, for any Looked After Children or those pupils who have a parent in the armed forces. We have 33% (Jan 2023 Census) of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding.
See below for our Pupil Premium Strategy for 2023 – 2026.
Our Rationale:
We want our provision to ensure that our most vulnerable children receive high quality support and are well provided for to help them achieve their personal best. We want to see high standards in the pupils’ work and SATs results to demonstrate the impact that the funding has on achievement and progress.
We aim to provide our vulnerable pupils with opportunities to experience cultures, historic settings and have experiences outside of their environment that they might otherwise not be exposed to. We know with the additional support and resources, pupil confidence increases and ensures that they are more willing to apply themselves during lessons. We want to narrow the learning gaps for all our underperforming pupils and continue to inspire them.
As a school, we are committed to ‘diminishing the differences’ between vulnerable pupils and their counterparts. The Pupil Premium Grant forms a vital part of that process. We use the Pupil Premium through the following principles:
- Academic performance– interventions for maths and English before and during school, booster classes, homework clubs, working in small groups and phonics 1-1 support.
Using the National Tutoring Programme and Recovery Premium, we will be ensuring that pupils work on basic skills in reading, writing and maths. Teachers will provide catch-up and pre-teach sessions during the week and TAs work with identified pupils before school day on identified areas for development. - Wellbeing– school counsellor working in school with identified pupils, to help overcome emotional barriers to learning and to provide half-termly mindfulness training for all pupils across the school. A Speech and Language Therapist works in school to support pupils and staff in improving communication and language skills. Attendance, MAGIC and Star of the week celebrations and activities. Learning mentors working with groups of pupils to support with social skills and overcoming barriers to learning. Providing free breakfast in the morning for breakfast club for a period of time for identified pupils.
- Enrichment activities– subsidised residential visits for pupils in Y5 and Y6, annual Work Week, workshops on and off-site to enhance the curriculum, visits museums and galleries, places of worship and historical places.
- Improve physical performance– 2 week intensive Aquatic Centre swimming in 5Y and Y6 in Summer Term, gymnastics coach, to use of PE grant for a range of free after school clubs run by the school and outside providers, attendance in inter-borough competitions, residential activities, and CPD opportunities for staff and specialist sports coaches.
National Tutoring Programme and Recovery Premium:
- Narrow the gaps between PPG and Non-PPG
- Identify pupils for English and Maths interventions from Pupil Progress Meetings, baseline assessments and pupil engagement in class
- Run bespoke interventions before school by Teaching Assistants and during school by class teachers at set times during the week
- Interventions are set to improve basic skills for English and Maths which supports the National Curriculum
It is the responsibility of the Deputy Headteacher to produce termly reports for the Head Teacher, Senior Leadership Team and Governing Board covering:
- The effects of the expenditure on eligible and other groups made towards narrowing the gap, by year group, for socially disadvantaged pupils
- An outline of the provision that was made since the last meeting
PE Premium Funding Strategy
Schools receive sports premium funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. At Keir Hardie Primary School, Sports Premium money has raised the profile of physical health, increased the range of sports we offer, more opportunities for inter and intra sports competitions and improved the quality of PE teaching and coaching our pupils receive.
As a result:
- Our school has been awarded the School Games Gold Award for 5 years running, now working towards the School Games Platinum Award.
- Pupils feedback in surveys shows PE is in the top 3 most favourite subjects
- We have oversubscribed sports clubs after and before school
- Our school is extremely successful in local competitions
Due to Covid-19, research shows a high proportion of pupils have had less opportunities for physical activity. This has led to a decrease in stamina for some of our pupils due to the sedentary behaviour.
A high proportion of our pupils live in a densely populated area with limited outdoor space or no access to garden spaces and a high number of families living in flats. This has impacted on physical exercise among our pupils. Our recovery curriculum is focused on strengthening our pupils’ physical and mental wellbeing. We have implemented short PE activities during the school day in addition to 2 PE sessions that each year group has per week. Pupils that are self-isolating are referred to websites that offer physical activities to encourage pupils to stay active at home.