“Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. All schools should teach PSHE, drawing on good practice” – DFE
The curriculum progresses from EYFS – Year 6 within 3 core themes – relationships, living in the wider world and health and wellbeing, building on their skills and vocabulary, allowing them to know more and remember more.
PSHE supports many of the principles of keeping our children safe and links closely to the schools Safeguarding, SMSC and British Values Policies. Children will understand how to keep themselves safe both on and offline and they will understand the value of choices.
Our Children will be encouraged to celebrate our diverse community.
Our curriculum will prepare children to be global citizens in a diverse society and prepare them for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in the future. We are aware that the delivered curriculum must reflect the needs of our pupils and have a flexible approach to our curriculum to meet the needs of Keir Hardie.
We want to inspire our children to be healthy both physically and mentally and give children the knowledge needed to maintain this in the wider world.
RHE is taught throughout the year within our topics, the curriculum has been consulted upon by both parents and staff, the details of this can be found within our RHE and PSHE policies.
The four strands of PSHE are taught throughout the year through 3 topics: Relationships in the autumn term, Living in the Wider World in the spring term and Health and Wellbeing in the Summer term. Within these topics we teach the statutory RHE, which has been created carefully after consultation and discussion with parents, teachers and with the guidance of the PSHE Association.
Our curriculum is delivered through learning journeys that have been tailored to meet the needs of our pupils.
Children learn about economics through our annual work week. During this week they will understand the importance of money, budgeting and building on key skills needed to excel in the wider world, such as good communication and working as a team. We actively challenge stereotypes by showing children it doesn’t matter about a person’s age, race or gender, as long as they have the skills and qualities needed for a role.
Based on recommendations from the PSHE Association, PSHE is taught weekly for at least 45 minutes in KS1 and 1 hour in KS2. In EYFS, children learn PSHE through the strands of ‘Understand the world’ and ‘Personal, Social and Emotional development’ which are part of the statutory Early Learning Goals, by the time our children start Year 1, they will already have a good understanding of the world around them, understand their feelings and will have begun to form friendships.
There are occasions where teachers may feel it appropriate to teach PSHE as a result of an issue arising in their own class, what children may be experiencing at home or in their community – our curriculum is specifically tailored to meet the needs of Keir Hardie children therefore our content can be flexible and responsive to need.
Our school environment reinforces the PSHE curriculum through questioning, vocabulary and discussion topics on displays throughout school. Our displays are strategically placed to reinforce key messages, for example, healthy eating displays are in our lunch hall and anti-bullying is displayed near our main playground.
The wellbeing of our staff and pupils is very important. As a result of this we have implemented wellbeing sessions which both the children and staff members can take part in.
Children and staff have weekly mindful moments, these are activities which take 3-5 minutes everyday and encourage the children to focus on their inner thoughts and the environment around them. The activities vary week to week but the intended outcomes remain the same, developing self awareness, lowering stress, reducing anxiety, improving memory, developing resilience and strengthening relationships.
We strive to provide our children with learning opportunities across and beyond the curriculum, in specific lessons, circle time, special school projects and other activities that enrich pupils’ experiences.
By teaching pupils to stay safe the children will understand how to conduct themselves in school, online and in the wider community. They will understand how to keep themselves safe and know who to turn to if they feel they are in danger.
We will embed the importance of a healthy lifestyle (this will be evident in the acquisition of the healthy school award) this should directly help with addressing obesity and malnourishment in the community.
Our children will be confident with positive self-esteem as our effective curriculum along with our MAGIC habits builds resilience and empathy.
Our PSHE programme can tackle barriers to learning, raise aspirations, and improve the life chances of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils.
Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. Children will understand the importance of teamwork and know how to resolve conflicts, which include bullying.