Based on our contextual strengths and challenges, our Maths intent is for our pupils to acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of Mathematics. We want our pupils to use their long-term and working memory to progress, achieve and excel.
We want our pupils to become fluent in the fundamentals (impacted by the pandemic) of Mathematics so that they engage with and enjoy Maths lessons. From EYFS to Year 6, we want our pupils to reason mathematically and solve problems. We want our pupils to become resilient mathematicians when faced with maths challenges. We will support our pupils to “struggle” and explore different ways of overcoming maths challenges and solving problems.
To prepare our pupils for the future, we want our pupils to be problem solvers. We want to create extensive opportunities for our pupils to develop and apply skills that are necessary for the next stage of their education and the world of work.
To achieve our Intent, Our Curriculum is well designed and sequenced to ensure that pupils have opportunities to recap and deepen their understanding. We use Inspire Maths to support this approach as well as White Rose Education. It also supports our parents to develop effective ways of teaching and learning Maths. We are also part of the “sustaining group” of our local Mathshub( a part of the NCETM).
To ensure good or better progress for all, some pupils are targeted and supported.
Our Maths lessons, which are based on a mastery approach, are taught with the “5 big ideas” in mind, Coherence, using small steps, which makes it more accessible for all. Representation through the use of manipulatives and “stem” sentences. We use the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to ensure access for all and support for those who need it. We also ensure that pupils are fluent by giving them opportunities to practise key facts during lessons, as part of our basic skills sessions, or during pre teaching and catch up sessions. This is further supported through the use of Sumdog and Times Tables Rock Stars. Our lessons ensure that mathematical Variation is considered and explored, so our pupils see the “maths” in different contexts. Questions are carefully selected and used at the beginning of Maths lessons to engage our pupils and get them thinking, justifying and explaining. We use journaling to capture pupils’ understanding.
A majority of our pupils achieve mastery by acquiring a solid understanding of the maths before moving on to more advanced material. It prepares them for the next stage of their education, by helping to develop an understanding of how maths is important in our daily lives.
For each pupil, the starting point and exit point show good or better progress, which contributes significantly to our pupils’ developing a positive attitude towards Maths, with an ability to apply their mathematical knowledge across other subjects.Our disadvantaged pupils achieve exceptionally well.
Our pupils solve problems, reason, explain and justify using a medium that suits their learning style. As a result, they enjoy and always look forward to the next maths challenge.