Our aim is to expose pupils to different forms of expression from an early stage. Art and Design in the Early Years is structured in a way that not only encourages children to create through a variety of means such as painting, sculpture, collage and mark making opportunities, but it also allows the children to look inwards and express how they feel through those different means.
Our art curriculum is designed to offer opportunities for pupils to learn key art skills and techniques, develop their creativity and imagination as well as the knowledge and understanding of different forms of art from other periods of history.
We use Art to support our school ethos which is summarised in our “MAGIC” Habits of Motivation, positive Attitude to learning, Gumption, Independence and Communication to focus on a child’s holistic development and bring the best out of them by recognising their uniqueness and meeting their individual needs.
We see Art as a powerful medium to enable pupils to express themselves in a range of ways and contexts such as diagrams in Science or emotions and feelings in PSHE, so we link it to other areas of the Curriculum to also support pupils’ learning, mental health and wellbeing.
“A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art.” Paul Cézanne
“The emotions are sometimes so strong that I work without knowing it. The strokes come like speech.”
Vincent van Gogh
Our Art curriculum enables pupils to experience working with all the main art media including, drawing, painting, sculpture, printing and collage, with clear progression from one year to the next.
We use a well designed learning journey to deliver the key skills and knowledge of the National Curriculum, which is taught every half term.
We use specialist arts organisations like Arts Generation to support the delivery of sculpture, painting, drawing and mosaic workshops. “A Little Learning” for digital art like algorithmic art; the Creative Schools Network for several art projects and competitions across schools, including projects with local cluster schools, which reflect the needs of our community.
We also have a consolidated partnership with ‘Now Press Play’, audio stories to further improve creating writing, as well as Artis Foundation which provides our Drama sessions across the school in order to support the achievements of our goals in developing oracy and vocabulary acquisition across core and foundation subjects, starting from Early Years to Year 6.
“If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.” Edward Hopper
“I found I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way—things I had no words for.”
Georgia O’Keeffe
Our pupils enjoy art, especially the opportunity to be creative, expressive and imaginative. They develop transferable skills, like creativity, critical thinking , problem solving, teamwork as a way of preparing them for life in Modern Britain and the 21st century world.
Our pupils have a better developed Cultural Capital by learning about Art from different artists, countries, mediums, eras and perspectives.
Our pupils can use art-specific vocabulary and outcomes in pupils’ books show the best possible progress from their starting points.
Pupils create their own pieces of work inspired by the work of famous artists, they are confident, creative and use their imagination, ideas and experiences by adding their ‘personal touch’ to produce final pieces.
Our pupils are also proud of their work, celebrated in our outstanding displays around the school, our annual art exhibition and the Art Matters exhibition as well as in several competitions; our cross curricular links with performing arts and with foundation subjects, ensure our pupils remain inspired and motivated.
SEND/EALs and PPG pupils continue to have access to their Art and Design entitlement and participate fully in Art learning journeys, thanks to the adaptation of tools, strategies and techniques adopted to meet their specific needs.
At the end of Year 2 and 6, pupils work with the Institute of Imagination to carry out a special project to promote sustainability by linking Art, Design & Technology and Computing.
“Creativity takes courage.” Henri Matisse